Change Notes for Auguest 5, 2018
- Finally got around to saving an INI file.
- Currently stores
- music and SFX volumes (which you can't actually set)
- High Scores - this is the big one
- Top 5 high score
- What you were driving when your game ended
- Both the ship type and gun upgrade level
- Ships like the Polygon Warrior only get on pictures
- Ship/gun combos such as UFO/Missile get a two pics
- One for the UFO
- One for the gun showing the upgrade level of the gun
- The game over screen now shows your final score
- If your final score is a high score, you get to enter your initials, old school arcade style
- Added "Unlocks" and "Credits" to the main menu
- The Unlocks screen will be where you choose:
- Your ship and weapon (if appropriate)
- Ship colors
- Drone colors
- Graph Paper color schemes
- Possibly other things as they occur to me