Shows you what's going to happen on the next dimension
Floor and wall art change to match what's up coming
random enemies from the upcoming level are thrown at the screen.
May decide to animate them in the future. May not.
End of Dimension
Shows you a visual representation of all of the critters you've killed
Not sure I like it.
If I do, then on the sound design phase, I'll change it so they show up "one at a time" which a stomping noise. Or maybe once stomp for each type of enemy.
yeah, that seems more likely, otherwise, we'll be here all day.
Fix a few bugs:
The dimension picker was all messed up
I was trying to be too clever when I first wrote it
If the code you write is at the limits of your cleverness, then you are, by definition, too stupid to debug it.
I was.
Had to rewrite it from scratch
Actually works now
At game start, it shuffles the list of available dimensions.
You'll go through that list until you've seen them each once.
Then it reshuffles.
So, the last of one complete run and the first of the next could be the same, otherwise, you won't see duplicates.
Found another "script_execute" bug or three.
Had my functions calls formatted wrong which resulted in some odd behavior.
Will do a dev-blog post on this as it's an interesting GMS2 specific behavior
My point-defense upgrade for the missile rig was setting the score rather than adding to it (= rather than +=)